March 4, 2024
The Transport Workers Union of America issued the following statement on the announcement that Jet Blue and Spirit Airlines will no longer pursue a merger:
Our main concern throughout this process was protecting and advancing the livelihoods of our members. We achieved those goals. For our JetBlue Inflight Crewmembers, we secured 17% mid-contract raises, millions of dollars in potential bonus payments, the ability to open contract negotiations one year early, improved work rules, and enhanced grievance procedures. At Spirit Airlines, The TWU maintained representation for our Guest Service Agents, who would have lost their union contract and collective bargaining rights if the merger was approved. Maintaining their hard-fought TWU contract was critical to these members.
The TWU represents more than 155,000 workers across the airline, railroad, transit, universities, utilities and service sectors. The TWU is the largest airline workers union in the United States.